thanks a lot for their participation:
-Roxanne Lajoie, HaÏkus, Arpenter le Lido, Carte-herbier-haïkus de Venise
-Tanguy de Foy, improvisation chorégraphique dans l'esprit de la népticule dorée, film
Walking-talking Map-herbarium in Artist residency in Vernon with :
-Linda Sellers, North Okanagan Naturalists Club,
-Roxanne Lajoie, writer from Quebec
-Mary Kelly, writer
-Akira Hanson, artist
-Eli Pivnik, writer, wild life trainer
-Norbert Maertens, excentric belgian man very centred on nature, volunteer simplicity and human relationships
-Britta Fluevog, artist from Vancouver
-Mariko McDougall, responsable of education, Allan Brooks Nature Centre
-Roxanne Lajoie, HaÏkus, Arpenter le Lido, Carte-herbier-haïkus de Venise
-Tanguy de Foy, improvisation chorégraphique dans l'esprit de la népticule dorée, film
Walking-talking Map-herbarium in Artist residency in Vernon with :
-Linda Sellers, North Okanagan Naturalists Club,
-Roxanne Lajoie, writer from Quebec
-Mary Kelly, writer
-Akira Hanson, artist
-Eli Pivnik, writer, wild life trainer
-Norbert Maertens, excentric belgian man very centred on nature, volunteer simplicity and human relationships
-Britta Fluevog, artist from Vancouver
-Mariko McDougall, responsable of education, Allan Brooks Nature Centre